How to plan a trip to Tibet in 5 easy steps?

How to plan a trip to Tibet in 5 easy steps?

As a foreigner, planning a trip to Tibet can be discouraging considering the planning involved, the permits required and a lot of waiting so patience is a virtue. It takes a great deal of motivation, determination to research and spend many hours reading to come up with a list of places to visit and things to do. Remember a foreigner cannot travel Tibet by oneself. A full time guide is necessary, tour must be booked, private transport must be arranged and permits must be obtained even before arriving in Tibet. So to simplify things here are 5 steps to follow when planning a trip to Tibet.

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China – Avatar Mountains of Zhangjiajie


Chine Zhangjiajie Cover

We spent the last few days making our way to the Zhangjiajie National park (China) and explored the famous mountains of Pandora. Until a few weeks ago, I did not know this place existed. I am so fascinated by the natural beauty of this place wishing I could stay here longer. Zhangjiajie as captivating as it was, receives far too many visitors just like many other attractions which ultimately leads to high volume in noise and inconsideration by tour guides can contribute to spoil the spirit of this place. Keeping aside some inconvenience and distractions, this place does deserve a visit. Read more

China – Dear Marie, our Gypsy Jazz French Singer friend from Beijing


We first met Marie in the Philippines and spent an awesome week on the island of Bohol at ‘Bohol Coco Farm‘. So it was certain that when we visit Beijing we have to attend some of Marie’s concerts. We spent two beautiful nights in Beijing enjoying Gypsy Jazz music. First night at Enoterra and second night at the ‘Eudora Station‘ music bar in Beijing. Read more